What is Plasma Lift?
Plasma lift uses a device, sometimes called a plasma pen to rejuvenate the face, neck or body.
The plasma device emits an electrical arc between the device tip and the skin. The device does not touch the skin. The plasma arc ablates the skin, which gives an immediate tightening effect. These pinpoint areas form scabs that will drop off over the next 7 days, leaving the area tighter and smoother with reduction in wrinkling. Full effects can take up to 6 months to appear.
Skin tags and old age warts can also be treated and will drop off over 7 days.
Is the Plasma Lift Painless?
At Bossa Skinspa we use a topical numbing cream on the treated area before we perform a plasma lift to minimise the procedure discomfort.
What areas can be treated?
The plasma pen is very versatile and can be used in the following areas
The upper eyelid, where it is able to be lifted by about 2mm
Above the brows
The lower eyelid, where the skin will be tighter and wrinkles will be improved
Lip wrinkles
Neck sag
Neck wrinkles
Abdomen skin tightening
Upper and lower limbs
Forehead lines
What are the risks?
With plasma pen, the risks include the following
Risks associated with topical numbing cream
Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation
Hypopigmentation and scarring
The hyperpigmentation and scarring risks are minimised following the correct aftercare.
Who should avoid plasma tightening?
Those who have a dark complexion, as they are at higher risk for hyperpigmentation. Preparation with the Bossa Brightening Cream is required 2 weeks before treatment for skin types 3-4.
Those with active skin disease including inflammation, dermatitis or rosacea flares, or any other skin disease where the barrier is impaired.
Those who have a history of hyperpigmentation.
Those who have a history of keloid or hypertrophic scars
Those with a pacemaker
Those with an active cold sore (ie herpes simplex). These patients should reschedule their appointment. Antivirals may be prescribed for you by your GP to take before and during the treatment.
Those who are pregnant or breastfeeding
Those on Roaccutane.
Preparing for Plasma Lift
Advise your Dermal Therapist about your use of Retin-A / tretinoin and other active skin ingredients. Those need to be stopped 48h prior to the procedure.
Eyelash extensions should be removed prior to treatment.
Come to your appointment without makeup, especially eye makeup, for your procedure.
Avoid tanning 2 weeks prior to the procedure. If you get tanned / sunburnt please postpone your treatment.
Do not wear contacts during the procedure
You should not have inflamed skin or be systemically unwell (eg cold or flu) when having this procedure. Please postpone your procedure.
Plasma Lift Aftercare
Please see our aftercare
Cost of Plasma Lift
Cost of plasma lift please see our price list